Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today over lunch I discovered a new website about Alzheimer's disease, complete with 10 warning signs: .  My parents are in their late sixties/seventy, and my father-in-law is in his seventies, so I didn't think it would hurt to briefly skim the article.

I was wrong.  It did hurt.  I nearly choked on a ramen noodle.  From laughing.

I have more than half the symptoms on the list........

Having to rely on notes and electronic devices to remember things.

Having trouble with monthly bills--I do my best, but sometimes these kinds of complicated tasks get me into trouble.  I am not all that good with paperwork.  I do my best.  Much better than I used to do years ago, so I guess we can't use this item to 'diagnose' me.

Trouble driving to a familiar location.

Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships.

Misplacing things.

All right, withdrawal from social situations.  That one's gotten worse over the last few years.

And I don't suppose failing to recognize your own children is a good sign, either, even though it wasn't on the list.

I've been saying for years that when I one day develop dementia, nobody will be able to tell.

Maybe when I reach my late sixties, my behavior will finally start to make sense to people.

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