Good afternoon. Well, reasonably. I am slowly getting my will to live back. Yesterday I noticed my gait getting back to normal--I've been kind of shuffling and leaning to the right a lot. You'd think I'd had a stroke.
Today the weather is beautiful outside, and I've done a couple of very minor outdoor chores while I have the chance. Tonight it's supposed to rain (in fact, we're under a flood warning, but not to worry, our little island is on high ground), and then sleet, and then snow. I've walked outside, leisurely, a couple of times--that's the perfect amount of exercise for me today. Don't want to end up face-down in the mud from over-doing it.
I got the chance, after waiting until two of my kids came home at 10:30 last night (in fact, my dad picked them up and brought them home so my husband could get a little sleep, which was really nice of him), and waking up when my husband left in the wee hours of the morning, to sleep, and sleep I did, until nine, without waking up. That helps a lot. Nothing like sleeping without waking up every couple of hours to take more pills and puffs of inhalers.
My mother is still in the hospital, at least until tomorrow. My sister had a really bad day yesterday. I'm a day or two ahead of my sister, and I guess it was good that I went in last Saturday and got started on all the meds when I did (Meds is too a word, spell check--who wants to write 'medications' a thousand times when they're sick anyway. Spell check is not the boss of me.). My kids all got better a little faster than I did--but then, they've all got a few years on me.
We usually take it easy on the once-a-month weekend my husband has guard duty--no school, not too much work. But I'm not really in the mood to sit around all weekend after having done it for over a week already. We did watch 'Dracula 2000' on TV today. Not something I'd let younger kids watch. It was pretty good--kinda 'kitchy'. Is that a word? Spell check might have me here. Anyway, Gerard Butler was convincing as a vampire--no wonder he was hired to play the Phantom a few years later.
I started a book last night--'Love Wins' by Rob Bell. Pretty good stuff. My sister got it for me. Even though a church would probably collapse if I walked into it right now, as part of my new practice of 'Eclecticism' I'll read anything. It's a good book, and I ought to read it, because it's one of two books I bought my sister from a list of potential Christmas presents, and then she bought one for me and my husband each, so it might be fate. I'm not so sure I entirely believe in coincidence these days. And today's movie kind of tied into the book's theme, too--whether or not God condemns people to everlasting damnation.
Condemning people to everlasting damnation just doesn't sound very nice. Sounds more like something the devil (if there is one) would enjoy. I mean, I've met people I just don't like very much and don't really have any use for, and I'd still feel sorry for them if I had them off somewhere being tormented for eternity. I'd probably rather just stick them on an island far away and leave them. Or just put them to sleep or something. Can souls be put to sleep?
I can certainly see the wisdom of having to separate some souls from others, if they're really demented or something--to protect the 'innocent' from those who would harm them. Maybe being evil and demented is its own kind of punishment. Maybe being ostracized from the rest of the 'soul' community would be enough torment. Do souls need other souls to be happy?
That's enough cold & flu medication for me now. I'm going to go see if I still remember how to play the piano. Something not-too-strenuous.
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